On public holidays we increase our daily rates by 25% and our night rates by 50%

Book a taxi within 24 hours?

Book via WhatsApp

Where does the ride go?

A real taxi driver does his best to offer you a comfortable and, above all, a safe ride. They can help you board and disembark, with your luggage and make sure you arrive at your destination right on time. Speaks English and you can enjoy carefree the best services from the taxi driver with the necessary knowledge of the island so that you don’t have to miss any of the beauty.

Only need a taxi from A to B? Call us or contact us via WhatsApp!

Why TOP™

Hi passengers! I’m Chardé…

I have been working in the tourism branch for 14 years and I would like to welcome you to our Dushi Curaçao, the place to be! Through my unique way of providing service you will certainly get a good impression of the island.


We have been working on the safe transport of our guests and their luggage for years.


We know the island like the back of our hands. That is why you can lean back carefree.


Without hassle from beach to mountain, from hotel to your appointment. We take care.


A group party or just a private trip to one of our beautiful beaches. TOP™ takes care of it.

Special arrangements

We will take you wherever you want, as long as it is on the island

Our services

We can tailor all services to your wishes. You indicate it and we take care of it!

Private transfers

Sometimes you need that moment for yourself and you count on a driver who can safely drop you off where you need to be without delay.

Private tours

I don't really know that many people here that I can really hang out with, but I still want to see all the beautiful things. Now I can go wherever I want.

Island & Beach tours

I want to see everything during my vacation, but I don't really know the public transport routes. Is a taxi that knows the hotspots not an option.

Doctors appointment

You want to go to the doctor every week, but you do not have your own transport or you are currently unable to drive a vehicle yourself.

Grocery pick-up

Always those heavy groceries, and you don't really have the time for that. TOP will arrange it right up to your front door. Enjoy your meal.

Limousine service

We will give you and yours the ride you will never forget

Drive in style

Get your party on

Business meetings

Beautiful tours

Drive in style

Get your party on

Business meetings

Beautiful tours

Now from $ 300 per hour

There is room for 18 people | Bottles of water included


Let’s give you a look at our possibilities and where we can take you. And of course we will also pick you up with family and friends at a designated location.



Plantation houses

Christopher Park

Hato Caves

Rif Fort

Little Curaçao

Ostrich farm

Mountain Altena

Playa Kalki

Shete Boka


Park Hof'i Pastor

Mambo Beach

Diving Curaçao

Sea turtles

Trusted by many

We had better ask, who does not travel with us. We are a reliable taxi service that has already transported many people from various disciplines. Join us and let us map out your routes within Curaçao. With us you never pay too much and of course we provide tailor-made services. You just have to indicate it.

Looking for beautiful souvenirs or a nice something for You and Yours!

  • Birthday Gifts
  • Get well soon
  • Fruit Baskets
  • Maternity Gifts
  • Babyshower Gifts
  • Gender Reveal
  • Appreciation Gifts
  • Special occasion Gifts
  • Balloon Piece
  • Romantic Picknick
  • Decorations
  • Sweet Treats [custom]
  • Koi Lechi & Chupabebe
  • Cupcakes
  • Chocolat Hearts
  • And much more…

Ask for possibilities!


Of course we also arrange trips to the most beautiful corners.

TOP™ is also the right place for local tours. We provide special arrangements. Contact us for more information regarding our competitive rates.

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Contact us | Special arrangements

Book your package or ask us a question about it by filling in the contact form.
We respond almost immediately.

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For questions you can contact us directly.
